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Add Versions to Your Posts

For teams building mobile apps or managing versioned software, we've just added a great new feature that simplifies version specification for release posts, enhancing communication and visibility within your development process.

When creating a release post using the version filter, the version field will be pre-filled for your convenience. However, you can still customize the version afterwards.

When specified, the versions now show on your announcement page and widget.


Overview UX tweaks

In addition to incorporating version information into the posts on the overview page, we have revamped the entire page, introducing icons for metadata information, eliminating certain borders, and overall made it much easier on the eyes. 👀

Option to hide cover image on announcement page

We've added an option to hide the cover image on the announcement page. For those who have similar images in the cover and the content, this will help avoid redundancy. You can disable cover images with the cover-images attribute. For more details, take a look at the page properties documentation.
