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All New AI Settings

We’ve made a major change to how you configure the AI settings in Released.

Why the change?

We found the default tone-of-voice settings didn’t always match the user’s expectations. And writing good, custom prompts takes a lot of testing and experience.

As a result we made a couple of changes that overall improve AI generated descriptions:

  1. Example-based prompts

  2. Removal of tone-of-voice-defaults

No More Default Tone of Voice Settings

We have removed the default tone of voice settings from issue-specific prompts. If you want to customize the tone for a specific issue type, you can still do it through the custom prompt option. Using examples to guide the AI is the easiest way to produce the tone you’re looking for.

Example-Based Prompts

We replaced the black box that was the default prompt with the option to provide examples. Now, you can provide two examples of how you want your release notes written. These examples act as a template, guiding the AI to match your desired writing style and tone of voice.

Practical Tips

To make the most of these changes, here are a few tips:

  1. Be Specific with Examples: Choose examples that represent the tone of voice and style you want. The more precise, the better.

  2. Detailed Descriptions: Include as much relevant detail as possible when writing Jira issue descriptions to help the AI understand the context and produce better content.

  3. Experiment and Adjust: Don’t be afraid to tweak your examples and prompts. Experimenting with different styles can help you find what works best.

For a slightly more in-depth summary, please read our blog.

Bugfixes and Improvements