With this new feature, you can easily move issues from one column to another. Whether you want to move an issue from "To-do" to "In progress" or from "In progress" to "Done," it's as simple as a flick of the wrist.
Say hello to a more intuitive and fluid workflow with this newly added drag and drop functionality. Making changes to your roadmap has never been easier!
Expanded Descriptions in Public Roadmap
We've made improvements to the public roadmap view by adding the ability to expand descriptions with just a click. Now, you can easily access more detailed information about each feature or enhancement directly from the roadmap.
Z-index issue with Roadmap create dialog Create a new roadmap on a smaller screen and watch as the dialog gets overlapped by borders from existing roadmaps.
📋 Join the waitlist
Released Roadmaps for Jira Product Discovery is available in private beta. Sign up for the waitlist today!