We've added URL-friendly slugs for post titles and category names. This update allows the Announcement Page to use these slugs for navigation between posts and categories.
Friendlier URLs make it easier for your readers and search engines to understand what content can be found on each page. As a result, you should see the search rankings for your updates improve.
Added video to â/â command
To enhance discoverability, we have added a new option in the "/" menu called "Video". Clicking on it will open a popup menu where you can paste the video URL. Of course you can continue to copy and paste a video URL straight into the editor as well.

Improvements & Bugfixes
Removed AI success message We have removed the success message for AI generation. We will still tell you when things went wrong of course.
File upload size limit We have implemented a limit on image uploads to 10MB. That should be plenty to display your images crisp and clear.
Cover image upload fix We've fixed an issue where attempting to add a cover image resulted in an empty cropper after selecting an image.