This week we made a few small, and one big improvement to Released. Let’s start with the big one.
Spaces are now called “Portals”

At first, we went with the name “Space” to indicate it was separate from where you communicate with users. But after living with it for a bit, we realized we might’ve been overthinking it. And users were confused as well. That’s why spaces are now called portals.
Just think of the portal as having two sections: the admin side in Jira, and the public side.
Publish to…
To clear up any confusion around the publishing process, we’ve changed the “Publish” button to say “Publish to…”, so it’s more obvious that users can choose where they want to publish their post.
Changelog Description Field
We’ve renamed the “Released Description” custom field to “Changelog Description” . This makes it clear that the field is meant for documenting changelog details, not the public roadmap description.
We fixed an issue that prevented users from mapping field options to columns during roadmap creation in Chrome. It was caused by a chrome bug that breaks drag & drop behavior on top of an iframe. If you want to know more, you can watch Alex Reardon get into the details of the bug.