You can now see at a glance when a post was published and who published it. That allows you to keep track of exactly when a post was originally published or last updated. And since we now keep track of who published the post, it adds a new level of accountability.

Bugfixes and Improvements
Roadmaps - Exclude archived ideas Archived ideas are now properly filtered out and will no longer appear on the roadmap.
Improved Filter UX Invalid filters due to deleted versions or issue types are now handled better and clearly explain to the user what’s happening.
Timezone-Aware Date Publishing Confluence now correctly reflects the published date according to the user's timezone settings.
Improved Project Selection UX Previously when you removed the projects in the Changelog settings, they magically re-appeared again. But users didn’t find that to be very magical, more confusing. Instead we now show a good old error message when no project is selected.