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Release Notes Links On Jira Tickets

We've made it even easier to see which Jira tickets have been included in the release notes with the new automatic link feature.

Now, a link to the release notes will automatically be added to every Jira ticket that has been included in the release notes. This not only keeps everything organized but also allows you to easily track where a feature has been announced.

Tracking and accessing relevant release notes has never been easier. Stay tuned for linking the other way… automatic links from release notes back to your Jira tickets coming soon!

ℹ️ Links are only added to newly published released notes.

Deep-link to individual posts

You can now deep-link to individual posts within Jira. For now you will have to copy the URL manually. But to make that easier, we will probably add one of those fancy “copy link” icons next to the title to make that even easier.


We fixed a bunch of minor bugs. Things like grammar mistakes and items overlapping that shouldn’t.