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Roadmaps Beta

Released Roadmaps are officially in beta now. Over the coming weeks we will progressively onboard everyone on the waitlist.

It’s still early days, but here is what you can expect when you flick the switch to enable the beta.

Custom columns

When you first set up your Roadmap view, you can pull in ideas from one or multiple Jira Product Discovery projects. Create custom columns and match the Roadmap states of your ideas to these columns.

Edit issues

You can edit the public description directly via the issue dialog. The “Edit issue” button will open up the complete Jira ticket, allowing you to change any issue details.

You can also generate a public description via AI. But please note that this is a beta. Let’s just say it needs a bit more work. 😊


And of course you can publish your roadmap. Just hit the publish button in the top right and your roadmap will become available via the page embed (you can see preview in the Settings under Embeds > Page).

A lozenge at the top of the screen will tell you when the roadmap was last published. And blue indicators on the cards will let you know which issues have changed since the last publish date.

You can see our published roadmap here:

What’s next

To make Roadmaps even more useful, we will add a number of features in the coming weeks before the official launch. The most important ones in no particular order:

Join the beta

If you want to get early access and are happy to provide feedback, feel free to sign up.