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New Search

Attach files and images

You can now attach files and images directly to tasks, making collaboration and document sharing easier. Just for fun.

User-friendly task interface

We've implemented a simple and intuitive interface for easily adding and editing tasks!

Introducing a Powerful Search Functionality

We are thrilled to announce the addition of a brand new search functionality to our task management system. Finding the right task among your growing list can sometimes feel like finding a needle in a haystack, but not anymore! With this latest update, you can now search for tasks with lightning speed and precision.

No matter how many tasks you have or how complex your project is, our search feature will help you narrow down your focus in seconds. Simply type in a keyword or phrase, and our smart search algorithm will instantly display the most relevant tasks. Whether you are looking for a specific task by its title, description, or any other attributes, our search functionality has got you covered.

Never lose track of a task again! Stay organized, save time, and boost your productivity with our powerful search feature. Get ready to experience a whole new level of efficiency starting today!
