Hey, all! Long time, no see, it’s been a whole week. How ya been? Good, good, that’s really good… *awkward pause* Listen, uh, we, uh, *shuffles feet* have something we need to tell you. You remember how we renamed Spaces to Portals? How we decided that, because users were confused by the relationship between Spaces and Portals, we’d call both of them Portals? Well, unfortunately, that didn’t work out. People became confused about access control settings and which areas of the app would be affected by changing them. Did they apply your drafts in Jira, or your published posts in the wild? Both? By combining Spaces and Portals under the same term, it became impossible to know the difference.
As it turns out, we really do need a different name for the space where you do your work. So we’re calling it a… Work… Space… Workspace. Not super creative, we know, but it’s the right word for where you do your work.

This is different to the place where all your customers and stakeholders view your work. Your customers don’t need to see all the details of how the sausage is made. They get to peer through a window from which they can only see the magic you choose to share with them. You might call that window a Portal.

So how will we deal with that original confusion about the relationship between Workspaces and Portals? From now on we’ll treat the Portal as a part of your workspace. It will be another channel where your customers can go to pick up what you’re putting down, like your embedded widgets and pages, email subscriptions, Confluence pages or Slack notifications.
We know this second change of terms is a little awkward, but it should make Released a little bit easier to work with in the long term, so we’re swallowing our pride and doing it.

As part of this, we’ve also renamed our global Jira link from Product Hub to Released. Like Portals, your Product Hub is where customers can view your work, and we don’t want to confuse it with the place where you do the work.
Custom global permission for Released Administration
Your Jira admin might have noticed a new Jira global permission appear on your instance in the last couple days called Released: Administration. This permission is granted to all Jira users by default, and will allow a user to modify Product Hub settings (from our current Beta of the Product Hub) as well as restore or permanently delete trashed Workspaces.
NOTE: This permission is not yet respected by the app. We are giving customers a few days to update Released and grant/deny the permission as desired before we start applying it. Expect this permission to go into effect early next week.
Trashed Workspaces now live within the Released app

Previously only Jira Admins could access Trashed Workspaces, so it made sense to keep it in the Jira admin section. Now anyone with Released: Administration will be able to manage trashed workspaces, so we’ve moved it into Apps > Released.