Hey, all! Long time, no see, it’s been a whole week. How ya been? Good, good, that’s really good… *awkward pause* Listen, uh, we, uh, *shuffles feet* have something we need to tell you. You remember how we renamed Spaces to Portals? How we decided that, because users were confused by the relationship between Spaces and Portals, we’d call both of them Portals? Well, unfortunately, that didn’t work out. People became confused about access control settings and which areas of the app would be affected by changing them. Did they apply your drafts in Jira, or your published posts in the wild? Both? By combining Spaces and Portals under the same term, it became impossible to know the difference.
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Released allows you to choose which AI input field to use for generating release notes. But what if you want to include information from multiple fields? That’s where Jira automation comes in.
With Jira automation, you can copy any field values into the AI input field of your choice and make the data available in your release notes.
Here’s how how it works:
1️⃣ Trigger an automation when the issue status changes (or any other event of your choice)